qr kod na stranku

Labour market indicators of slovak regions.

namenumber of inhabitantsnumber of unemployednumber of long-term unemployedunemployment ratelong-term unemployment rate
Bratislava and surroundings728 37012 45128102.60.6
Kopanice131 49134189083.91.0
Danube river412 407976128563.51.0
lower Vah river333 19757409942.60.5
middle Vah river528 73210 16325032.90.7
upper Nitra river278 697716021403.91.2
lower Nitra river335 800688218263.10.8
Mining cities84 375295611285.32.0
Kysuce a Orava258 561656420443.71.2
upper Vah river – Liptov237 4916317207341.3
Spiš cities393 36318 43888877.23.5
upper Hron river262 961737428204.31.6
Juhoslovenská kotlina307 81022 53212 695116.2
Košice fold and Torysa river591 80021 68910 3175.62.7
upper Zemplín309 92918 57594288.94.5
lower Zemplín233 80813 45475308.64.8
SR5 428 792173 47270 9584.82.0

data from 2023.

long term unemployment in Slovakia akt/reg-iz-long-term-unemployment

Number of unemployed by age groups

nameless than 24 years25 to 39 years40 to 54 years55 years and more
Bratislava and surroundings1153476045601978
Danube river1098296135292173
lower Vah river699198620071049
middle Vah river1159357034142020
upper Nitra river807224625261581
lower Nitra river806221924651392
Mining cities3298841018724
Kysuce a Orava897208322121372
upper Vah river – Liptov830204921711267
Spiš cities2800665961282851
upper Hron river842241425921526
Juhoslovenská kotlina2716723782574321
Košice fold and Torysa river2917742274803870
upper Zemplín2693630863563218
lower Zemplín1802442248172412
SR22 05158 35460 70532 362

data from 2023.

unemployment share in counties of Slovakia akt/unemployment-share-slovakia-okres-lau

Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: Regions of Slovakia - Labour market indicators of slovak regions., IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/​en/projects/regions-of-slovakia/labour-market-indicators

logo projektuTento článok je súčasťou projektu Politiky zamestnanosti realizovaného Inštitútom zamestnanosti. Tento projekt je podporený z Európskeho sociálneho fondu v rámci OP EVS.

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