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Inclusive news
News on inclusive market.
28.01.2022 (link) : Social enterprises – Social enterprises and their development in Slovakia . . .
29.09.2016 (link) : Conference on youth long-term unemployment – On the 20th of September 2016 we participated on the Conference on youth long-term unemployment in Brussels which was organized by the EPC . . .
19.09.2016 (link) : Presentation for EPC workshop 20.9.2016 – Presentation for the EPC workshop on the 20th September 2016 . . .
03.11.2015 (link) : Páleník: inclusive market in Slovakia – Presentation for the conference which takes place on 3rd-5th November 2015 in Bratislava . . .
03.09.2014 (link) : Conference november 2014 – On the 6th of November 2014, IZ Bratislava is co-organizing conference Inclusive solidarity – analysis and potential effects . . .
30.10.2013 (link) : Acceptance of the proposal in the area of measures to integrate Roma – Based on the proposal of the Employment Institute president RNDr. Viliam Páleník, PhD., h. doc. was in the „Proposal for a Council Recommendation on effective measures for Roma integration in the EU Member States” trained-in the needs of innovative employment and the creation of a sufficient number of temporary jobs appropriate for segregated communities . . .
03.10.2013 (link) : Workshop The Impact of Inclusive Market on Public Finances – Employment Institute invites you on a workshop „The Impact of Inclusive Market on Public Finances" on 9th October 2013, at 02:00 p.m. in Employment Institute . . .
10.09.2013 (link) : Workshop The Demographic Aspect of Long-term Unemployment – We invite you for a workshop „The demographic aspect of long-term unemployment" on 13th September 2013 at 2 p. m. in residence of Employment Institute . . .
21.08.2013 (link) : Workshop Educational aspect of long-term unemployment – We invite you for a workshop „Educational aspect of long-term unemployment" on 26th August 2013 at 2 p. m. in residence of Employment Institute . . .
16.07.2013 (link) : Regional unemployment – inclusive market – Slovakia is on the top in the chart of long-term unemployment in the area of EU countries, the rate and impacts of it are different in particular regions. Measures realized are effective only in regions with lower unemployment, in problematic regions they appear in the form of uselessly waste of money . . .
13.06.2013 (link) : The regional aspect of inclusive market – The long-term unemployment in Slovakia is concentrated, the highest is on south of middle of Slovakia and on east of east part of Slovakia. There are some details . . .
23.05.2013 (link) : Conference UMB 2013 – We invite you to our discourse „Regional Aspect of Inclusive Market" in Banská Bystrica on this Friday . . .
15.04.2013 (link) : Press Conference: How to solve an unemployment? – We invite you on press conference organized by Employment Institute on 16th April 2013 (Tuesday) at 9 a. m. to residence of Employment Institute, where we will introduce you our proposals how to solve an unemployment . . .
01.03.2013 (link) : Conference: Effective tools of active labour market policies during the crisis – Employment institute will have a presentation on conference Effective tools of active labour market policies during the crisis which is organized by the Labour Market Observatory of the European Economic and Social Committee. It will take place in Brussels on 5th of March 2013 . . .
21.11.2012 (link) : ECOSOC about inclusive market – In 46th Week was held on the 484th Plenary session of the European advisory bodies ECOSOC, which was with the hesitation and Union Bank supported the idea of creating new jobs, while not forgetting the need to fill the treasury . . .
14.11.2012 (link) : Control mechanisms – Due to the fact that the project will be implemented Inclusive market of public funds, it is necessary to ensure that there are mechanisms that will oversee the process of spending these funds. Inclusive market advantage is that it is not a novelty in the control, as will be realized in the same way as in standard conditions and labor market services, where standard control mechanisms already in place . . .
29.09.2011 (link) : Twentythird seminar on labour economics – You are welcome to the twentythird seminar on labour economics . . .
22.09.2011 (link) : Geographical disparities – There is a big gap between a place where are unemployment people and a place where are free job positions in Slovakia. Even though we try to propose a places of inclusive services according to goal group, not every employee will work in a place of his home. Inclusive employee will travel to work as do that employees on open labor market . . .
08.09.2011 (link) : Inclusive news – News on inclusive market . . .
08.09.2011 (link) : Volume of Inclusive Services – For the creation of 50 000 jobs in the inclusive market it is necessary to create sufficient volume of orders. This volume is estimated to be about 580 mil. € (plus VAT). This number may seem high but 70 % of this amount is immediately returned to the public budget by increased collection of taxes . . .
05.09.2011 (link) : Size of Inclusive Market – Inclusive market must have a certain critical size. On the one hand people from the target population should have a real chance to improve their situation and at the same time this market should operate on market principles . . .
31.08.2011 (link) : Inclusive employees – Inclusive employees are those from the target population, who are currently employed in the inclusive market . . .
19.04.2011 (link) : Inclusive growth – IZ Bratislava support inclusive participation of all into the growth of the economy, as is defined in Europa 2020 strategy . . .
15.04.2011 (link) : Twentysecond seminar on labour economics – You are welcome to the twentysecond seminar on labour economics . . .
All documents on inclusive market
- Inclusive growth
- Social enterprises
- Conference on youth long-term unemployment
- Presentation for EPC workshop 20.9.2016 .pdf .odp .ppt
- Páleník: inclusive market in Slovakia .pdf .odp .ppt
- Conference november 2014
- ecosoc/the-social-economy-in-the-european-union .pdf
- Acceptance of the proposal in the area of measures to integrate Roma
- Workshop The Impact of Inclusive Market on Public Finances
- Workshop The Demographic Aspect of Long-term Unemployment
- Workshop Educational aspect of long-term unemployment
- Regional unemployment – inclusive market
- The regional aspect of inclusive market
- Conference UMB 2013
- Press Conference: How to solve an unemployment?
- Conference: Effective tools of active labour market policies during the crisis
- ECOSOC about inclusive market
- Control mechanisms
- Twentythird seminar on labour economics
- Geographical disparities
- Inclusive news
- Volume of Inclusive Services
- Size of Inclusive Market
- Inclusive employees
- Target Population
- inkluzivny comm 146 2011 EN (pdf) .pdf
- inkluzivny strategy europa 2020 com2010 2020en (pdf) .pdf
- Twentysecond seminar on labour economics

Inclusive growth
IZ Bratislava support inclusive participation of all into the growth of the economy, as is defined in Europa 2020 strategy. . . .