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Local Administrative Units data of Visegrad countries

Statistical open data on LAU regions of Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary (and other countries in the future). LAU1 regions are called counties, okres, okresy, powiat, járás, járási, NUTS4, LAU, Local Administrative Units, ... and there are 733 of them in this dataset. Overall, we cover 733 regions which are described by 135.276 observations (panel data rows) and more than 1.291.062 data points.

This LAU dataset contains panel data on population, age structure of inhabitants, on number and structure of registered unemployed. Dataset prepared by Michal Páleník. Output files are in json, shapefiles, xls, ods, json, topojson or CSV formats. Downloadable at zenodo.org.


This dataset consists of:

  • data on unemployment (by gender, education and duration of unemployment),
  • open data on population in Visegrad counties (by age and gender),
  • data on unemployment share.

Combined latest dataset

unemployment share in V4 akt/unemployment-share-v4

  • dataset of the latest available data on unemployment and population
  • dataset includes map contours (shp, topojson or geojson format), relation id in OpenStreetMap, wikidata entry code,
  • it also includes NUTS4 code, LAU1 code used by national statistical office and abbreviation of the region (usually license plate),
  • source of map contours is OpenStreetMap, licensed under ODbL
  • no time series, only most recent data on population and unemployment combined in one output file
  • columns: period, lau, name, registered​_unemployed, registered​_unemployed​_females, disponible​_unemployed, low​_educated, long​_term, unemployment​_inflow, unemployment​_outflow, below​_25, over​_55, vacancies, pop​_period, TOTAL, Y15-64, Y15-64-females, local​_lau, osm​_id, abbr, wikidata, population​_density, area​_square​_km, way
  • Slovakia – SK: 79 LAU1 regions, data for 2024-06-01, 1.659 data,
  • Czech Republic – CZ: 77 LAU1 regions, data for 2024-06-01, 1.617 data,
  • Poland – PL: 380 LAU1 regions, data for 2024-06-01, 6.840 data,
  • Hungary – HU: 197 LAU1 regions, data for 2024-06-01, 2.955 data,
  • 13.071 data in total.
stĺpec/​počet pozorovaníSKCZPLHU
periodobdobie (mesiac a rok) za ktoré sú údaje7977380197
lauLAU / NUTS4 kód regiónu7977380197
namenázov regiónu v národnom jazyku7977380197
registered​_unemployedpočet nezamestnaných, uchádzačov o zamestnanie registrovaných na úradoch práce7977380197
registered​_unemployed​_femalespočet registrovaných nezamestnaných žien7977380197
disponible​_unemployedpočet nezamestnaných, ktorí môžu okamžite nastúpiť do zamestnania797700
low​_educatednezamestnaný bez SŠ (ISCED 0 a 1)7977380197
long​_termnezamestnaní viac ako jeden rok79773800
unemployment​_inflowprítok do nezamestnanosti797700
unemployment​_outflowodtok z nezamestnanosti797700
below​_25počet nezamestnaných mladších ako 25 rokov7977380197
over​_55počet nezamestnaných starších ako 55 rokov7977380197
vacanciespočet voľných pracovných miest podľa štatistík úradov práce79773800
pop​_periodnajnovšie obdobie údajov o obyvateľstve7977380197
TOTALcelkové obyvateľstvo bez ohľadu na vek7977380197
Y15-64počet ľudí vo veku 15 až 64 rokov, obyvateľstvo v ekonomicky aktívnom veku7977380197
Y15-64-femalespočet žien vo veku 15 až 64 rokov7977380197
local​_laukód regiónu používaný národným úradom práce7977380197
osm​_idčíslo relácie v databáze OpenStreetMap7977380197
abbrzaužívaná skratka daného regiónu, ŠPZ79773800
wikidatawikidata kód7977380197
population​_densityhustota obyvateľstva7977380197
area​_square​_kmplocha regiónu v kilometroch štvorcových7977380197
waygeometria, polygón daného regiónu7977380197

Unemployment dataset

  • time series on unemployment data in Visegrad regions
  • by gender, duration of unemployment, education level
  • columns: period, lau, name, registered​_unemployed, registered​_unemployed​_females, disponible​_unemployed, low​_educated, long​_term, unemployment​_inflow, unemployment​_outflow, below​_25, over​_55, vacancies
  • Slovakia – SK: 79 LAU1 regions, data for 330 periods (1997-01-01 ... 2024-06-01), 198.922 data,
  • Czech Republic – CZ: 77 LAU1 regions, data for 240 periods (2004-07-01 ... 2024-06-01), 144.448 data,
  • Poland – PL: 380 LAU1 regions, data for 186 periods (2005-03-01 ... 2024-06-01), 306.120 data,
  • Hungary – HU: 197 LAU1 regions, data for 102 periods (2016-01-01 ... 2024-06-01), 100.468 data,
  • 749.958 data in total.
column/​number of observationsSKCZPLHU
periodperiod (month and year) the data is for26 07018 48070 63220 094
lauLAU code of the region26 07018 48070 63220 094
namename of the region in local language26 07018 48070 63220 094
registered​_unemployednumber of unemployed registered at labour offices26 07018 48070 63220 094
registered​_unemployed​_femalesnumber of unemployed women26 07018 48061 53620 094
disponible​_unemployedunemployed able to accept job offer25 12218 48000
low​_educatedunmployed without secondary school (ISCED 0 and 1)11 455954740 24820 093
long​_termunemployed for longer than 1 year23 937954740 2480
unemployment​_inflowinflow into unemployment25 83316 17000
unemployment​_outflowoutflow from unemployment25 83316 17000
below​_25number of unemployed below 25 years of age11 613954715 96020 093
over​_55unemployed older than 55 years11 613954715 96020 094
vacanciesnumber of vacancies reported by labour offices11 37618 48061 5360

Population dataset

  • time series on population by gender and 5 year age groups in V4 counties
  • columns: period, lau, name, gender, TOTAL, Y00-04, Y05-09, Y10-14, Y15-19, Y20-24, Y25-29, Y30-34, Y35-39, Y40-44, Y45-49, Y50-54, Y55-59, Y60-64, Y65-69, Y70-74, Y75-79, Y80-84, Y85-89, Y90-94, Y​_GE95, Y15-64
  • Slovakia – SK: 79 LAU1 regions, data for 27 periods (1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022), 147.177 data,
  • Czech Republic – CZ: 78 LAU1 regions, data for 24 periods (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023), 125.862 data,
  • Poland – PL: 382 LAU1 regions, data for 29 periods (1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023), 626.941 data,
  • Hungary – HU: 197 LAU1 regions, data for 11 periods (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023), 86.680 data,
  • 986.660 data in total.
column/​number of observationsSKCZPLHU
periodperiod (month and year) the data is for6399557432 8834334
lauLAU code of the region6399557432 8834334
namename of the region in local language6399557432 8834334
gendergender (male or female)6399557432 8834334
TOTALtotal population6399557432 5034334
Y00-04inhabitants between 00 to 04 years inclusive6399557432 5034334
Y05-09number of inhabitants younger than 09 and older than 05 years6399557432 5034334
Y10-14inhabitants between 10 to 14 years inclusive6399557432 5034334
Y15-19number of inhabitants younger than 19 and older than 15 years6399557432 5034334
Y20-24inhabitants between 20 to 24 years inclusive6399557432 5034334
Y25-29number of inhabitants younger than 29 and older than 25 years6399557432 5034334
Y30-34inhabitants between 30 to 34 years inclusive6399557432 5034334
Y35-39number of inhabitants between 35 to 39 years of age6399557432 5034334
Y40-44inhabitants between 40 to 44 years inclusive6399557432 5034334
Y45-49number of inhabitants between 45 to 49 years of age6399557432 5034334
Y50-54number of people between 50 to 54 years inclusive6399557432 5034334
Y55-59number of inhabitants younger than 59 and older than 55 years6399557432 5034334
Y60-64inhabitants between 60 to 64 years inclusive6399557432 5034334
Y65-69number of inhabitants between 65 to 69 years of age6399557432 5034334
Y70-74inhabitants between 70 to 74 years inclusive6399557424 6704334
Y75-79number of inhabitants younger than 79 and older than 75 years6399557424 6704334
Y80-84inhabitants between 80 to 84 years inclusive6399557424 6704334
Y85-89number of inhabitants between 85 to 89 years of age6399557400
Y90-94inhabitants between 90 to 94 years inclusive6399557400
Y​_GE95number of people 95 years or older6399323400
Y15-64number of people between 15 and 64 years of age, population in economically active age6399557432 5034334


  • more examples at www.iz.sk
  • NUTS4 / LAU1 / LAU codes for HU and PL are created by me, so they can (and will) change in the future; CZ and SK NUTS4 codes are used by local statistical offices, so they should be more stable
  • NUTS4 codes are consistent with NUTS3 codes used by Eurostat
  • local_lau variable is an identifier used by local statistical office
  • abbr is abbreviation of region's name, used for map purposes (usually cars' license plate code; except for Hungary)
  • wikidata is code used by wikidata
  • osm_id is region's relation number in the OpenStreetMap database

Example outputs

ikona Michal Páleník

Michal Páleník

Michal Páleník as IZ Bratislava.. . .

ikona Data library

Data library

IZ shows basic data and statistics on labour market in Slovakia.. . .

ikona Regularly updated

Regularly updated

On our webpage, we have several data which are regularly updated. These include data on unemployment or legislation.. . .

ikona LAU1 dataset

Local Administrative Units data of Visegrad countries

Statistical data on LAU1 regions of Slovakia, Czechia, Poland, Hungary. This LAU1 panel data dataset on 733 regions contains data on population, age structure of inhabitants, on number and structure of unemployed and is regularly updated.. . .