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Michal Páleník
Mgr. Ing. Michal Páleník, PhD.
- email: michal.palenik@iz.sk
- website of Michal Páleník
- researchgate page
- scholar

His main duties in IZ Bratislava are project management, econometric forecasting and development of software solutions.
He is teaching at the Faculty of Management Comenius University Bratislava.
- Mgr. (M.S. equivalent) in Mathematical statistics and theory of probability and economics mathematics, 2004 Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics (FMFI) Comenius University (FMFI UK), Bratislava, Slovakia
- Ing. (M.A. equivalent) in Operational research and econometrics, Faculty of economic informatics Economic University in Bratislava (FHI EU), Slovakia
- PhD. in Forecasting, Institute of Forecasting of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and Faculty of National Economy of the Economic University in Bratislava
Projects and activities:
- The impact of aging on the health care sector in Slovakia – forecast of demand and supply until 2030 .pdf
- and other in Slovak
- Viliam Páleník, Vladimír Kvetan, Jaroslav Vokoun, Katarína Krivanská, Michal Páleník: Prognóza vývoja ekonomiky Slovenska na rok 2002 a výhľad do roku 2005 (Forecast of development of Slovak economy untill 2002 with outlook to 2005, in slovak), Faculty of mathematics, physics and informatics, Comenius University Bratislava, October 2001.
- Viliam Páleník, Vladimír Kvetan, Katarína Krivánska, Michal Páleník: Prognóza vývoja ekonomiky Slovenska na rok 2002 a výhľad do roku 2005, (Forecast of development of Slovak economy untill 2002 with outlook to 2005, in slovak), BIATEC – National bank of Slovakia, 1/2002
- Jana Gašparíková, Edita Nemcová, Michal Páleník: The Impact of Manufacturing Branches on Regional Differentiation of Employment in Slovak Republic, Journal of Economics, 54/2006
- Bruno S. Sergi, William T. Bagatelas, Jana Kubicová, et al: Business Opportunities in Slovakia and Central Europe, Iura Edition, 2005
- Iveta Pauhofová, Michal Páleník: Income Situation and Consumer Habits Formation in Slovak Republic, Journal of Economics, 53/2005
- Michal Páleník: OpenStreetMap – the free wiki map of the world, Open software in education, science and IT solutions, 2009, link
- col: Labour Market Economics and its implications for Slovak Republic, Bratislava 2009
- Michal Páleník: Export tool as software to manage active labour market policies and to help advisors, international conference Bratislava, October 2008
- Michal Páleník: Active labour market policies in Slovakia, conference Bratislava October 2006
- Michal Páleník: Individual action plan as an active labour market policy, Bratislava, March 2008
- Michal Páleník: Expert system, goals and methods; conference Bratislava June 2007
- 48 aritcles in magazine Investor on macroeconomic situation, bank and insurance sector.
- several articles in other magazines ( Hospodárske noviny, openiazoch.sk, banky.sk, poisťovne.sk )
- PhD thesis .pdf, autoreferat .pdf .odt .doc