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IZ Bratislava conferences

Inštitút zamestnanosti organizuje konferencie na tému aktívnej politiky trhu práce, vždy s dôrazom na určitú tému.

We also organise a series of seminars on labour economics:

09.11.2015 (link) : Capabilities and limitations of the economic modelling of european environmental tax as an EU own resource – The aim of this conference, which will take place on 12th November 2015, is to foster the exchange of ideas among scientists and professionals conducting research in the field of economic modelling of environmental taxation. The emphasis is on Input-Output modelling and CGE. The content of the conference will cover the potential of the European environmental tax as EU own resource. The conference is organiser under the framework of the upcoming Slovak Presidency of the Council . . .

22.05.2015 (link) : Conference: A European tax as an EU own resource – Viliam Páleník, vice president of ECO section of EESC and president of IZ Bratislava organizes conference A European tax as an EU own resource. Two members of European commission and members of European parliament attend this conference on carbon tax . . .

01.10.2014 (link) : Conference 10 years of employment policy – We are organizing conference 10 years of employment policy, which will take place on the 1st of december 2014 in Bratislava . . .

03.09.2014 (link) : Conference november 2014 – On the 6th of November 2014, IZ Bratislava is co-organizing conference Inclusive solidarity – analysis and potential effects . . .

22.04.2014 (link) : Conference Labour market in programs of political parties in elections to European parlament 2014 – Employment Institute on the 29th April 2014 in Nitra (Slovakia) organized conference Labour market in programs of political parties in elections to European parlament 2014 . . .

21.09.2013 (link) : Conference: Long-term unemployment in region's hands – Employment Institute organized conference „Long-term unemployment in region's hands“, where candidates on the head of particular regions introduced their proposals how to solve long-term unemployment in Slovak regions . . .

23.01.2012 (link) : Conference: Labour market in the programmes of political parties – IZ organizes conference „Labour market in the programmes of political parties" in upcoming parliamentary elections. This conference will take place on the 13th february 2012 from 9:00 AM . . .

15.04.2009 (link) : Conference May 2009 – IZ Bratislava on the 14th May 2009 organizes conference about active labour market policies with the focus on political programs in upcoming elections to European parliament . . .

16.10.2008 (link) : Conference Labour economics and its implication for Slovakia – Employment institute organizes in 22th October conference about Labour economics and its implication for Slovakia. The conference will take place in Veda Congress center on Štefánikova street 3 in Bratislava. This conference is under the patronage of president of Slovak republic Ivan Gašparovič . . .

15.05.2008 (link) : Employment services law – Notice to the comments to the law Nr. 5/2004 law coll. On employment services submitted by the Employment Institute within the interministerial comment procedure to the Ministry of labour, social affairs and family of the SR . . .

ikona Viliam Páleník

Viliam Páleník

RNDr. Viliam Páleník, PhD., president. . .

ikona Conferences

IZ Bratislava conferences

IZ Bratislava organizes series of conferences on the theme of active labour market policies focused on particular issues.. . .