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Population aging

Population aging in Slovakia.

30 graphs on ageing

Pharmacy professions Age development of pharmacists Demographic pyramid by economic activity Comparison of age structure of nurses and doctors Number of dentistry students Number of medicine students


18.06.2023 (link) : Healthy life expectancy of men vs. women – year 2022 – Healthy life expectancy of men vs. women for year 2022 . . .

18.06.2023 (link) : Life expectancy – Life expectancy at the age of 50 . . .

18.05.2023 (link) : Life expectancy of a 50 year old – year 2022 – Life expectancy of a 50 year old for year 2022 . . .

18.04.2023 (link) : Healty life expectancy at 50 years – year 2022 – Healty life expectancy at 50 years for year 2022 . . .

06.10.2021 (link) : Dentists – How does the structure and age of dentists change? How did the structure of dentistry students change? . . .

06.10.2021 (link) : Pharmacy – How does the structure and age of pharmacists change? How did the structure of pharmacy students change? . . .

10.05.2021 (link) : The impact of aging on the health care sector in Slovakia – forecast of demand and supply until 2030 – Michal Páleník et al: The impact of aging on the health care sector in Slovakia – forecast of demand and supply until 2030 . . .

04.05.2021 (link) : Doctors – How does the structure and age of doctors change? How did the structure of medicine students change? . . .

18.02.2021 (link) : Nurses – How does the number and structure of nurses change? . . .

11.02.2021 (link) : Demographic development in Slovakia – Demographic development in Slovakia will result in high number of people in old age groups . . .

14.01.2021 (link) : Age structure of nurses – Age structure of nurses in years 2015 and 2021 according to gender . . .

19.05.2020 (link) : Unemployment rate – over 55 years – 1 quarter 2024 – Unemployment rate – over 55 years for 1 quarter 2024 . . .

12.05.2020 (link) : Aggregate replacement ratio – females – year 2023 – Aggregate replacement ratio – females for year 2023 . . .

05.05.2020 (link) : Basic data on Slovak regions – Basic indicators on regions of Slovakia (unemployment, number of inhabitants, ...) . . .

03.09.2019 (link) : 30 graphs on ageing – 30 graphs on ageing of population, doctors and nurses in Slovakia . . .

03.09.2019 (link) : Old-age dependency ratio LAU1 – Old-age dependency ratio LAU1 . . .

03.09.2019 (link) : Old-age dependency ratio NUTS 3 – year 2023 – Old-age dependency ratio NUTS 3 for year 2023 . . .

02.09.2019 (link) : Old-age dependency ratio – year 2023 – Old-age dependency ratio for year 2023 . . .

03.07.2019 (link) : Aggregate replacement ratio – year 2023 – Aggregate replacement ratio for year 2023 . . .

26.11.2018 (link) : Population aging – Population aging in Slovakia . . .

logo projektuTento článok je súčasťou projektu Politiky zamestnanosti realizovaného Inštitútom zamestnanosti. Tento projekt je podporený z Európskeho sociálneho fondu v rámci OP EVS.
