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What is eurobarometer
Eurobarometer is a series of surveys regularly performed on behalf of the European Commission since 1973. It produces reports of public opinion of certain issues relating to the European Union across the member states. The Eurobarometer results are published by the Public Opinion Analysis Sector of the European Commission.
Eurobarometer was originally conceived of as a way to improve the information and communication strategy of the European Union. It is a useful tool for discerning public opinions on a large variety of issues relating to the EU, for example, on the acceptance of new member states.
The Standard Eurobarometer survey series is a cross-national longitudinal study, designed to compare and gauge trends within member states of the European Union.
The Standard Eurobarometer survey is carried out each autumn and spring. Although the range of questions has been expanded over the years, the programe aims to keep most of the survey constant, so that data is comparable over time.
Special irregularly repeated modules investigate topics such as agriculture, biotechnology, energy, environment, gender roles, family, youth, elderly, health related issues, immigration, poverty, regional identity, science and technology, working conditions, consumer behaviour, urban traffic etc. in a European perspective.
The Flash Eurobarometer were introduced by the European Commission in the 20th century. It consists of interviews, conducted by telephone, which are undertaken on an ad hoc basis. A Flash Eurobarometer survey can be carried out at the request of either the Commission or any other EU institution. The main advantage of the Flash Eurobarometer, as opposed to a normal Eurobarometer survey, is that it is a lot faster, providing results almost instantaneously. In addition, it is more suitable to the targeting of specific groups within the population of the EU, to find out their opinions on the topic in question.