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Comparison of age structure of dentists

Comparison of age structure of dentists 30-graphs-on-aging/comparison-of-age-structure-of-dentists

The increase of the number of dentists ha been driven by ageing of dentists (so the largest age group is 60+) and increasing number of young dentists, which is a positive sign.

vek20082022increase increase in %
do 29y182442260143 %
30 – 39y47483736377 %
40 – 49y38248410227 %
50 – 59y1123380-743-66 %
60y+58482924542 %
Total274529722278 %

Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: 30 graphs on ageing - Comparison of age structure of dentists, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/​30-graphs-on-aging/comparison-of-age-structure-of-dentists, doi:10.5281/​zenodo.6079128

logo projektuTento článok je súčasťou projektu Politiky zamestnanosti realizovaného Inštitútom zamestnanosti. Tento projekt je podporený z Európskeho sociálneho fondu v rámci OP EVS.

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30 graphs on ageing

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