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Bulgaria – BG

EU regions: Bulgaria

map of Bulgaria BG
Labour market policy
public expenditure on labour market policies as % of GDP20211.424
public expenditure on active labour market policies20211.026
Life long learning
life long learning participation20231.4
Precarious work
percentage of employees ususally working on Sunday20235
percentage of employees ususally working at nights20233.2
percentage of employees with temporary contracts2024q22.9
Part time jobs and flexible employment
working hours on full time job2024q238.7
percentage of workers usually working from home20231.1
percentage of part time workers2024q21.45
percentage of part time workers, men20231.38
percentage of part time workers, women2024q21.42
Minimum and average wage
share of salaries on GDP2024q246.8
minimum monthly was as aproportion of average monthly earnings in industry and services202338.7
monthly minimum wage in €2024q3477.04
monthly minimum wage in PPS2024q3798.82
annual net earnings of a full-time single worker without children earning an average wage in PPS202315 997
Gender differences
gender pay gap202213
employment of mothers of more than 3 children202333.1
healthy life expectancy of men vs. women2022118.18
gender gap in employment rate202391.2
gender gap in unemployment rate2024q293.18
Graduates and young people
unemployment rate of youth with elementary education202322.6
unemployment rate of youth with secondary education2024q214.4
unemployment rate of youth with tertiary education2015q425
Gross domestic product
GDP per capita in PPS of EU average202262
HICP inflationJuly 20242.8
Payable interest of public debt as % od GDP20230.4
employment rate202370.7
Social exclusion
people at risk of poverty or social exclusion202032.1
job vacancies rate2024q20.8

More on wikipedia wikidata Q219 on OpenStreetMap Bulgaria slovensky: BG

Subregions: Northern and Eastern Bulgaria, South-Western and South-Central Bulgaria

demographic pyramid BG Bulgaria based on economic activity – employed, unemploye, inactive


unemployment rate2024q24.3
youth unemployment rate202312.1
unemployment rate of low educated people2024q212.1
Long term unemployment
long term unemployment2024q22.2
share of long term unemployed202352

Composition of population according to age group, education and economic activity, Bulgaria

Age groupLow educationMiddle educationHigh education
Y20-29P: 78.2
E: 31.8; U: 7.3; I: 39.1
P: 355.0
E: 181.6; U: 13.1; I: 160.3
P: 120.5
E: 96.5; U: 3.8; I: 20.2
Y30-39P: 131.6
E: 70.1; U: 8.5; I: 53.0
P: 410.8
E: 341.6; U: 16.2; I: 53.0
P: 276.4
E: 257.8; U: 5.5; I: 13.1
Y40-49P: 146.2
E: 82.1; U: 12.1; I: 52.0
P: 512.3
E: 452.9; U: 13.7; I: 45.7
P: 311.2
E: 295.3; U: 3.4; I: 12.5
Y50-59P: 139.5
E: 75.0; U: 10.3; I: 54.2
P: 549.1
E: 455.1; U: 16.6; I: 77.4
P: 237.0
E: 221.3; U: 2.2; I: 13.5
Y60-69P: 178.4
E: 36.5; U: 4.7; I: 137.2
P: 532.1
E: 205.7; U: 6.0; I: 320.4
P: 207.7
E: 102.9; U: 1.0; I: 103.8

Note: in thousands in 2022, according to labour force sample survey. P – total population, E – employed, U – unemployed, I – number of ecnomically inactive


demographic pyramid BG 1996 Bulgaria, population pyramid of Bulgaria
number of inhabitants20236.44771e+06
population density202260.4
old-age dependency ratio202337.7
Population ageing
unemployment rate – over 55 years2024q23.4
aggregate replacement ratio20230.46
aggregate replacement ratio – females20230.46
life expectancy of a 50 year old202226.8
healty life expectancy at 50 years202220.4
demographic pyramid BG Bulgaria

Employment by sectors, Bulgaria

NACE r2%NACE r2%
A166.46 %B-E619.721 %
F247.48 %G-I842.329 %
J122.34 %K62.62 %
L17.11 %M_N206.27 %
O-Q54218 %R-U106.14 %
TOTAL2931.9100 %

Data for the period year 2023. Source of the data is Eurostat, table [lfst_r_lfe2en2].

Employment by sectors, Bulgaria, 2023

From Wikipedia:

Bulgaria ( (listen); Bulgarian: България, romanized: Bǎlgariya), officially the Republic of Bulgaria (Bulgarian: Република България, tr. Republika Bǎlgariya, IPA: [rɛˈpublikɐ bɐɫˈɡarijɐ]), is a country in Southeast Europe. It is bordered by Romania to the north, Serbia and North Macedonia to the west, Greece and Turkey to the south, and the Black Sea to the east. The capital and largest city is Sofia; other major cities are Plovdiv, Varna and Burgas. With a territory of 110,994 square kilometres (42,855 sq mi), Bulgaria is Europe's 16th-largest country.

One of the earliest societies in the lands of modern-day Bulgaria was the Neolithic Karanovo culture, which dates back to 6,500 BC. In the 6th to 3rd century BC the region was a battleground for Thracians, Persians, Celts and ancient Macedonians; stability came when the Roman Empire conquered the region in AD 45. The Eastern Roman, or Byzantine, Empire lost some of these territories to an invading Bulgar horde in the late 7th century. The Bulgars founded the First Bulgarian Empire in AD 681, which dominated most of the Balkans and significantly influenced Slavic cultures by developing the Cyrillic script. This state lasted until the early 11th century, when Byzantine emperor Basil II conquered and dismantled it. A successful Bulgarian revolt in 1185 established a Second Bulgarian Empire, which reached its apex under Ivan Asen II (1218–1241). After numerous exhausting wars and feudal strife, the Second Bulgarian Empire disintegrated in 1396 and its territories fell under Ottoman rule for nearly five centuries.

Other: Bulgaria, Belgium

Neighbours: Greece, Serbia, Romania, North Macedonia, Turkey

Subregions: Northern and Eastern Bulgaria, South-Western and South-Central Bulgaria

Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: Europe and its regions in numbers - Bulgaria – BG, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/​PBG, ISBN: 978-80-970204-9-1, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10200164
