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Lesser Poland Voivodeship – PL21

EU regions: Poland > MAKROREGION POŁUDNIOWY > Lesser Poland Voivodeship

map of Lesser Poland Voivodeship PL21
Life long learning
life long learning participation202314.6
Part time jobs and flexible employment
percentage of part time workers20234.95
percentage of part time workers, men20233.13
percentage of part time workers, women20237.02
Gender differences
gender gap in employment rate202386.19
gender gap in unemployment rate202391.67
Graduates and young people
unemployment rate of youth with elementary education200531.2
Gross domestic product
GDP per capita in PPS of EU average202271
employment rate202370.1
Social exclusion
people at risk of poverty or social exclusion202015.5

More on wikipedia wikidata Q54159 on OpenStreetMap Lesser Poland Voivodeship slovensky: PL21

Subregions: Kraków, Kraków County, Tarnowski, Nowosądecki, Nowotarski, Oświęcimski

demographic pyramid PL21 Lesser Poland Voivodeship based on economic activity – employed, unemploye, inactive


unemployment rate20232.4
youth unemployment rate202310.5
Long term unemployment
long term unemployment20220.8
share of long term unemployed202235.1
Unemployment according to labour offices
number of registered unemployedJune 202459 306
number of unemployed womenJune 202431 810
number of long-term unemployedJune 202421 354
number of vacanciesJune 20247244

Comparisson of unemployment according to ILO methodology and registered unemployment yeilds some differences.

number of unemployed, administrative vs. LFS data

Data on unemployment in counties of Lesser Poland Voivodeship are available at Local Administrative Units data of Visegrad countries.

unemployment in Lesser Poland Voivodeship akt/unemployment-share-PL21-lau


demographic pyramid PL21 1996 Lesser Poland Voivodeship, population pyramid of Lesser Poland Voivodeship
number of inhabitants20233.319305e+06
population density2022222.5
old-age dependency ratio202328
demographic pyramid PL21 Lesser Poland Voivodeship

Employment by sectors, Lesser Poland Voivodeship

NACE r2%NACE r2%
A45.73 %B-E316.721 %
F131.29 %G-I356.723 %
J85.86 %K47.33 %
L13.91 %M_N109.87 %
NRP17.41 %O-Q33522 %
R-U62.54 %TOTAL1522100 %

Data for the period year 2023. Source of the data is Eurostat, table [lfst_r_lfe2en2].

Employment by sectors, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, 2023

Other: MAKROREGION POŁUDNIOWY, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Silesian Voivodeship

Neighbours: Eastern Slovakia, Subcarpathian Voivodeship, Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, Silesian Voivodeship, Central Slovakia

Subregions: Kraków, Kraków County, Tarnowski, Nowosądecki, Nowotarski, Oświęcimski

Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: Europe and its regions in numbers - Lesser Poland Voivodeship – PL21, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/​PPL21, ISBN: 978-80-970204-9-1, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10200164

ikona LAU1 dataset

Local Administrative Units data of Visegrad countries

Statistical data on LAU1 regions of Slovakia, Czechia, Poland, Hungary. This LAU1 panel data dataset on 733 regions contains data on population, age structure of inhabitants, on number and structure of unemployed and is regularly updated.. . .