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Ostprignitz-Ruppin District – DE40D

EU regions: Germany > Brandenburg > Brandenburg > Ostprignitz-Ruppin District

map of Ostprignitz-Ruppin District DE40D
Gross domestic product
GDP per capita in PPS of EU average202279

More on wikipedia wikidata Q6125 on OpenStreetMap Ostprignitz-Ruppin District slovensky: DE40D


number of inhabitants202499 372
population density202240.2
old-age dependency ratio202447.2

population pyramid of DE40D Ostprignitz-Ruppin District

From Wikipedia: Ostprignitz-Ruppin is a Kreis (district) in the northwestern part of Brandenburg, Germany. Neighboring are (from north clockwise) the districts Müritz and Mecklenburg-Strelitz in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the districts

Oberhavel and Havelland, the district Stendal in Saxony-Anhalt, and the district Prignitz.


The district consists of plain countryside northwest of Berlin. It is densely forested. Many rivers and lakes can be found in its western, its central and its northeastern part. The main river in the district is the Dosse.


The district has always been distinguishable from the West Prignitz, having been settled originally by Slavs from a different part of Mecklenburg. It was officially created in 1993 by merging the districts Kyritz, Neuruppin and Wittstock. The district roughly covers the same territory as the two historic districts Ostprignitz and Ruppin. Osprignitz was created in 1815 as one of two districts covering the former county Prignitz, and was split into the districts Kyritz, Pritzwalk and Wittstock in 1952.

Other: Brandenburg, Barnim District, Elbe-Elster District, Havelland District, Oberspreewald-Lausitz District, Märkisch-Oderland District, Oder-Spree District, Ostprignitz-Ruppin District, Potsdam-Mittelmark District, Cottbus, Teltow-Fläming District, Uckermark District, Brandenburg an der Havel, Frankfurt (Oder), Oberhavel District, Dahme-Spreewald District, Spree-Neiße District, Potsdam, Prignitz District

Neighbours: Stendal District, Ludwigslust-Parchim District, Mecklenburgische Seenplatte District, Havelland District, Prignitz District, Oberhavel District

Suggested citation: Michal Páleník: Europe and its regions in numbers - Ostprignitz-Ruppin District – DE40D, IZ Bratislava, retrieved from: https://www.iz.sk/​PDE40D, ISBN: 978-80-970204-9-1, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10200164
